
June 1, 2023

Bing Redesign

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I redesigned Bing. This is my first Fluent UI concept, because it's my first, it isn't that great.. This was made for the Concept Central AI Chat Redesign Contest.

This is not real software. This is a concept, made in Figma and After Effects by me. I am not affiliated with Microsoft.

Bing AI

You can generate text, images, code, and audio with the new Bing Chat. See all the trending topics, and your separated chats on the right panel, along with more information.

All new homepage, with the right panel to access recent and trending topics. New AI chat, with top toolbar. AI chat with right panel expanded, to access recent/trending topics. Bing can now generate images for you, with a single prompt. Help you out with code. And even generate audio.

Search Engine

There is a new simplistic, customizable home page. When you search, you get to see all of the content in dark mode, and images/videos on the right side.